Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Climb every mountain...

or just fold it and get it put away! I'm really great at keeping up with washing and drying the laundry, it's just folding it that is challenging for me. My sister and I had a conversation about that one day. Isn't that what couches were truly made for? Holding all the laundry that needs folded? I just hope nobody pops in for a visit just yet! I guess it's time to put Pride and Prejudice in the DVD player and let Colin Firth distract me while I turn my mountain into neat little piles for the kids to put away.

Colin Firth can make any dreaded task a little more enjoyable!.

Maybe I'll even get my floor mopped!


  1. I hate laundry. Most specifically I hate FOLDING the laundry. Simplify the process! DO NOT fold the rags, pillowcases or sheets. I throw my rags in a basket under the sink. I throw my pillowcases in a basket in the linen closet. I throw the sheets in another basket on a different shelf in the linen closet. The biggest thing that made it easy for me to find a "special" pillowcase for a kid is that none of them are special. They are ALL white! (easy for bleaching out paints and other accidents) Who cares if the pillows and beds are wrinkled looking? They are going to get peed and thrown up on anyways! Do not fold underwear. Put them in bins/baskets along with the socks in another bin. I make my kids match up a pair of socks everyday from their own bin. (do it the night before to have all the clothes ready for school the next day) As for towels: they are thrown under the sink. NO folding. No purpose to it as we use and abuse them everyday. AND they are also all white.

  2. Looks like you have a sizeable Mount Washmore there...at least it's clean! :-) Looking forward to your blogging!!

  3. You know, I thought about putting in Pride and Prejudice and attacking my own mountain just the other day! Great minds think alike.
